Location KN Hotel Matas Blancas

Contact KN Hotel Matas Blancas

How to get to KN Hotel Matas Blancas

  • From the Airport

    The hotel is located 63 km from Fuerteventura airport. By car you will reach the hotel in 52 minutes. It is not feasible to go by taxi. It is not feasible to go by bus from the airport to Costa Calma, you have to change buses a lot.

  • GPS coordinates

    Latitude: 28.17346361456475 Longitude: -14.22158745457187

  • Reception opening hours

    Monday to Sunday 24 hours a day


Calle Punta Pesebre, 6, 35627
Costa Calma - Fuerteventura



T. +34 928 875 162 - Recepción
T. +34 922 788 778 - Reservas
E. reservas.matasblancas@knhoteles.com

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